The cost of
course materials has become a white-hot issue in higher education, with fingers
of blame pointed in multiple directions. The second annual Textbook
Affordability Conference hopes to shift the focus to working on solutions to
help students.
The 2016
conference—which aims to bring together professionals from across postsecondary
academia, educational policymaking, and content production and distribution—will
take place April 27-29 at the University of California-Davis.
coordinating the development of the 2016 program, which will include nationally
known speakers, workshops, and discussion. Informational sessions with solution
providers may also be available.
conference is open to provosts and other higher education leaders, faculty,
librarians, directors and course materials managers from campus bookstores,
political leaders, open education resource developers, content providers, and
will open later. Fees will be $400 for government aned institutional attendees,
and $700 for representatives of supplier companies. Fees include all sessions,
meals, and receptions.
For an
overview, go to