Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are being used to
supplement traditional learning, according to a survey from Duke University,
Durham, NC. The study of 13 MOOCs offered by Duke looked specifically at
students younger than 18, older than 65, and those with limited access to
higher education.
“The idea was trying to get a better handle on individuals
who were underserved because so much of the popular press has focused on highly
educated, white (for the most part), upper-middle-class folks taking Coursera
courses,” said Lorrie Schmid, lead researcher on the study. “We wanted to get a
sense of these other groups and how they might be approaching, in similar or
different ways, these types of classes.”
Younger students often take MOOCs on subjects not taught
in their school and to help them make academic and career choices, according to
the Duke Research blog. Older students take MOOCs to keep their minds active, pursue lifelong
learning, and to help younger associates in their professional field.
Convenience and availability were the main reason students with limited access
to college chose to participate in MOOCs.