College students love technology, but some of their
devices aren’t always that cutting-edge, according to a report in eCampus News.
For instance, the Educause Center for Analysis and
Research annual report on undergraduate students and technology found 85% of
respondents said laptops were the most important device for academic success,
closely followed by printers at 84%. More high-tech gadgets, such as tablets
(45%), smartphones (37%), and e-readers (31%), ranked far behind.
Students use their tablets to communicate, but said they
are an awkward tool for academic work. Respondents also said Google and
Blackboard were the websites they can’t live without. Three quarters (74%) had
taken at least one online course, and the use of social studying sites rose 26%,
while use of Facebook fell 7%.
At the same time, 67% said their tech devices keep them
connected with the campus and 53% wanted more face-to-face interaction with
their instructors.
“When it comes to [undergrad] college students,
technology is not only a critical part of learning, it’s an essential tool for
communications and a means of engagement,” wrote the authors of the Educause