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Thursday, November 11, 2010

HP in-store POD pilots at three universities

As mentioned in a previous posting, this semester Hewlett Packard (HP) is conducting print-on-demand (POD) pilots at three universities: Portland State University, The University of Kansas, and Arizona State University. Below you can find a list of links to articles and videos that provide more information about each of the pilots.

Portland State University:

  • An article from OregonLive.com discusses the pilot and says that the university has also partnered with Lulu self-publishing service. The partnership with Lulu allows authors to format their books online and then print the books at the PSU Bookstore.
  • The PSU Bookstore has created a video with more information and a demo of the technology.
  • Here is a link to a news story and video from Fox12 Oregon.
  • Here is a video that features Glen Hopkins, vice president of Hewlett Packard, discussing how the technology is changing the publishing industry.
  • Here is an article from the Portland Business Journal with more information about the pilot.

The University of Kansas

  • Here are some links to articles from Kansan.com and The Oread KU Employee Newsletter that discuss the pilot at KU.
  • Here is a video demo of the technology at KU’s bookstore.

Arizona State University

  • An article from ASU News features information about the pilot at ASU.
  • Here is a video demo of the technology at the ASU Bookstore. This posting also includes the goals of the pilot and information about their partnership with Lulu.
  • Another video featured on ASU’s The State Press discusses the capabilities of the technology.