Unizin is a consortium of colleges and universities that’s making news. The group,
which endeavors to provide a standards-based infrastructure for digital
education, will work with Blackboard and Instructure to connect digital
learning platforms.
Students and
faculty from Unizin institutions work with content from multiple platforms,
according to a report in University Business. Content storing, sharing, and discovery services
offered by both Blackboard and Instructure platforms will be connected through the
Unizin Content Relay.
“Students and faculty need access to open tools that
allow them to work collaboratively, across institutions, to create the best
learning programs,” said Mark Strassman, senior vice president of product
management for Blackboard.
Using the Content Relay will facilitate instructors in
finding content from both platforms. It will also be easier for faculty to
revise and mix the content which can be used across a variety of formats,
including residential, flipped classroom, online courses, badged experiences,
and massive open online courses (MOOCs).
Unizin has also added Oregon State University, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the
University of Minnesota to its list of member institutions. Colorado State University,
Indiana University, the University of Florida, and the University of Michigan
are the founding partners of Unizin.